You may notice a lot of this-versus-that situations throughout your life. For example, there is loud versus soft, light versus dark, and hot versus cold. All of these opposites require different things. Loud noises might require your headphones whereas soft noises might be hard to hear. Bright spaces might require sunglasses and dark spaces might require squinting to see the light.
In actuality, you do not need different types of insulation for summer versus winter home insulation. At Anderson & Rodgers Construction, our team members are here to help you learn more about the ins and outs of home insulation.
Insulation helps keep your homes temperature comfortable throughout the entire year, whether it be in the middle of winter or the height of summer. Insulation directs air movement and prevents heat transfer so that your home can remain comfortable no matter what the temperature is outside. During the winter months, good insulation will stop warm air from leaking outside, and in the summer, it will stop warm air from getting inside. Without proper insulation, homes can lose up to 50 percent of the energy that is used to heat or cool it!
Proper insulation is easy as one, two, three. If a home has its roof, walls, and basement insulated, then it will keep you cool throughout the summer and warm throughout the winter. Proper insulation will not only keep your home comfortable, but it can help reduce costly energy bills. If you notice that your energy bills are constantly skyrocketing no matter what you do, it might be because your home is not properly insulated in these three key areas.
When it comes to poor home insulation, there are a few things to look out for that might encourage you to get those three aforementioned spaces checked out. If you find that your floors and walls are cold during the winter, your insulation might not be cutting it. The same goes for rooms that are irregularly hot during the summer, or require more energy to cool. We all have had that one room that somehow needs the AC plus the overhead fan plus a floor fan just to be moderately cool. To avoid this, try choosing materials with a high R-value (how well a type of insulation can prevent energy from leaving your home). Ideal energy performance will be met when your home is properly sealed, insulated, and ventilated, which we are happy to help walk you through more.
To learn more about home insulation, be sure to contact or visit us today at Anderson & Rodgers Construction. We are located in Lexington, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, Ohio. We also proudly serve Cincinnati, Ohio; Lexington, Central Kentucky, Versailles, Georgetown, Richmond, and Winchester, Kentucky. Where do you want to learn the basic building blocks of proper insulation, or you are in need of insulation with a higher R-value, our friendly team of experts is here to help answer any questions you may have so that you can keep your home comfortable all year long.